Archive for June, 2008

Fact file based on the Spiegel articles “Afrikas Held“(pp.96-98) and “Ein Monster als Clown” (pp.99-102)

“Afrikas Held“:


Ø  1918: Nelson Mandela’s birth in Mvezo (name at birth: Rolihlahla Mandela)

Ø  1942: Mandela joins the “African National Congress”

Ø  1956: charge of treason due to the ANC’s resistance to the apartheid policies (absolvitor 1961)

Ø  1958: marriage of Nelson Mandela and Winnie Madikizela

Ø  1960: interdiction of the ANC

Ø  August 5, 1962: Mandela is arrested on a charge of sabotage

Ø  1964: conviction to life imprisonment

Ø  1962- February 11, 1990: prison term because of the planning of an armed struggle

Ø  1990: the ANC’s prohibition is raised

Ø  1993: Mandela receives the Nobel Peace Prize

Ø  April 1994: free elections in South Africa

Ø  1994-1999: Mandela’s term in office as the first black South African president

Ø  1999: Thabo Mbeki becomes Mandela’s successor as president

Ø  Even after his retirement he collects money for the AIDS aid, conciliates in African civil wars a.s.o.



“Ein Monster als Clown!”:


Ø  In mid-19th-century, the cruel absolutist King Mutesa I. spread fear and terror in Uganda  

Ø  1924: Idi Amin’s birth in north Uganda (name at birth: Idi Awo-Ongo Angoo)

Ø  1941: Accession to the “King’s African Rifles” (a British colonial protection force)

Ø  Develops a vast hatred for the British (probably due to the Rifles’ racist cast system)

Ø  1966: Amin becomes command in chief of Uganda’s fighting forces

Ø  1971: assumes the power in Uganda due to a putsch against Milton Obote

Ø  Putsch victims: 8 military officer and 3 civilians

Ø  1971-1979: the death toll during his dictatorship amounts several hundred of thousands

Ø  1972: 40000 Asians, with British passports, are banished

Ø  “Operation Mafuta Mingi” àdisastrous economical effects on Uganda

Ø  Consensus in those times: Idi Amin = Africa’s hero (!) (especially the media loved him)

Ø  His most prominent victim: the 75-years-old Dora Bloch

Ø  His last victims: two “Stern”-employees

Ø  Nickname: “Big Daddy”

Ø  Religion: pious Muslim

Ø  1979: After the defeat in the war against Tanzania, Amin escapes into exile in Saudi-Arabia

Ø  August 16, 2003: Idi Amin’s death in the Saudi-Arabian city Dschidda (cause of death:

liver-/kidney failure)